
Star Signs

A belief in star signs is a belief that the position of the Sun, the Earth, and the constellations between them somehow affect our character. The belief is that depending on what sign of the zodiac you are born under, you will have certain basic character traits that you will share with all people born under the same sign. Furthermore, these twelve signs can be broken down into earth, air, fire or water elements and certain elements will clash with others. As a Piscean (a water element) it is likely that I will have trouble getting along with anybody who is a Virgo. Although Virgos are an earth element and therefore should be comfortable with a water sign, we are polar opposites on the zodiac cycle, which will always lead to inevitable conflict. With this in mind, I can now make sure to drop any Virgos I currently know (sorry Granddad) and ensure when meeting someone I find out their birthday to know whether or not to bother carrying on with the conversation.

Awkwardly this couple didn't check their compatibility

Awkwardly this couple didn’t check their compatibility

A belief in star signs will unfortunately entail that all Taurus’ will share some character traits with Hitler. Now, the assumption I am sure is not that all people born around the time of April or May will have Hitler’s extreme nature. Some of my good friends happen to be born around this time and I am yet to see any worrying qualities in them that mean they will one day become abhorrent dictators. But, according to the horoscopes, they will share some similarities. However, it is interesting to note that John Stuart Mill, a British philosopher of the 19th century was also a Taurus. Widely known for his political philosophy and views on freedom, it seems hard to ever think that because he was born under the same star sign as Hitler that he should be remotely similar. For example, on the notion of liberty he writes “the principle requires liberty of tastes and pursuits; of framing the plan of our life to suit our own character; of doing as we like, subject to such consequences as may follow: without impediment from our fellow-creatures, so long as what we do does not harm them”. This view on freedom, without wanting to put it too mildly, is something that Hitler would most likely find disagreeable.

Consequently, a belief in star signs is a belief in the absurd. I’ll accept that for many it can be a bit of fun and it can be nice to relate to a pretty picture that might one day be a tattoo. But I have heard people say, with no lack of seriousness things like ‘he’s a classic Aries, outgoing and independent, I always find I get along with Aries’. Translated this should say; ‘he’s a classic April born boy, the position and movement of the moon and stars has really made him independent, almost as if it was something to do with his upbringing. I always find I get along with people who also believe that they share qualities with others based on when they were born.’ I can’t believe that in 2015 there are still horoscopes in the back of newspapers, if horoscopes were translated similarly to how I translated the sentence, people may realise the ridiculous nature of star signs. Or maybe they are based on something substantial. I don’t know anymore! Depicted by two fish swimming in opposite directions, maybe I am just a classic Piscean; always confused and torn between what decision to make. Probably not though.